Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Chapter 113: To Withdraw

The ability to safely "withdraw" from an aggressive/violent situation is a very useful skill right up there with avoidance and de-escalation. This means even if you have to run fast. The thing to remember is to withdraw requires not only knowing how to do that safely but know what to "NOT DO" as well. Remember the monkey brain on drugs is happening, i.e., emotional side of your brain while on the drug called adrenaline. 

You have to let go of status, ego, pride and other such mental monkey dancing gymnastics because how you walk away matters. If you can let that go your success in withdrawal goes sky high. Withdrawal is NOT BACKING DOWN, it is SURVIVAL. It is like the military, Marines don't turn and run but when needed they do, "Advance to the Rear!"

I quote, "Using nonviolent strategies and tactics to allow self-protection and self-preservation are socially acceptable. It's good practice and therefore a vital part of your training and practice of martial arts, karate or any other viable model as self-protection defense. 

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