Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Chapter 9: Symbols, Quotes, Meme’s and Aphorism’s - Oh My!

People, our species especially, have a connection with symbols, etc., and that "instinct-like, DNA driven, gene requirement," is a good thing. Imagine being a fledgling karate-ka when sensei provides a favorite meme or quote from one of the ancient martial masters that "speaks to you." Practitioners must remind themselves that what you feel and perceive from the sensei's meme is simply a tool to inspire not just continued training and practice but one's drive to seek out and discover, on their own, more. Practitioners must remind themselves that the meme, quote, or aphorism is not a complete and comprehensive teaching tool but rather a door that opens today here, but opens another door tomorrow. 

Symbols, quotes, meme's and aphorisms, etc., are influence principled suggestions that are open-ended so that each person can perceive and interpret according to that individual's personal biases, perceptions and experiences of which change in each moment, hour, day, week and year(s). That is why the are universal and inspirational, they open those doors so we can peek inside, discover and create our way, our path and our wholehearted understanding of what we are doing, studying and learning. 

It is easy to assume that a meme', etc., has some specific meaning but in truth, as a learning tool of inspirational quality merely makes suggestions and the results are individualized. Sensei, senpai and follow karate-ka are all going to feel, think and believe but that is to be momentary. Likened to the spinning yin-yang things change every moment and the tools teach us over time to remain open-minded and allow all changes to enter so we can determine on our own in practice, training and application of karate and martial disciplines their past meaning, their current momentary meaning and the possibilities that lie ahead. 

Folks, all people, shall take symbols, quotes, meme's and aphorism's with a 'grain of salt' because what is today is going to be what was tomorrow opening the door to something new therefore understanding that all of these are fluid, changing and leading all of us toward a fully and comprehensive understanding that will manifest in the very words we use and the actions we take as well as how we lead those who come after toward the proverbial state of "enlightenment!"

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