Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Chapter 10: During

During is going to convey to people what they must begin to understand and have the ability to apply under extreme duress, what is necessary to stop the damage if all else failed and the attacker decided the person was a good target for either some process or to gain some resource. During is that area taught most, ineptly, and that is the proverbial, “Technique-based self-defense.” As the reader already found in previous chapters self-defense is not appropriate to this so we will revert to defense-protection. The technique-based process in most defense-protection programs is about assigning specific, karate kata-oriented bunkai, techniques to combat specific attack techniques. The flaw that folks need to address, what some refer to as glitches, is that technique-based defense-protection is limited and tends to lead practitioners toward a mind-set that there are actually specified attack processes, similar to kata, that all criminals and social monkey’s use that can be learned and countered with supposed obvious technique-based static-like applications. Life and criminal activities are not predictable, stable, static or able to be memorized. 

Let me expand a bit so folks, the readers, can start a memory chip for perceptions toward that criminal aspect, asocial and monkey dance (social) aggression and violence used to gain a resource or to apply a process. Asocial aggression and violence is a predatory thing and the reader must understand that once a predator has evaluated you and made you his target you are going to be surprised, under great stress, taking in a lot of damage and frozen solid with no structure or balance, etc. In short, they are professionals and they only choose “sure targets” to make their victims. This is the worse of the worse and requires specific methodologies to train it - remember that and repeat it, it requires specific methodologies to train it!

The monkey dance, the social aggression and violence, is basically the type of fighting, illegal that is fighting, you find in bars, at tailgate parties and other social events where certain chemicals and substances are used to “have fun.” What happens, in general cause there is more, is when two guys say for this example bump into one another, spill a drink and just piss that person off. There are steps taken like posturing, winding up and displaying body language that says a big winding punch is coming. Then come the blows or chest bumping or angry tirade, etc., until something happens like a fight or bouncers/security personal moving the combatants outside, restraining them and making them available for first responders, police, to cuff and haul away the trash thing. 

Now, predatory resource actions are like robberies, etc., where their goal is to take something of value to them from you cause, simply, you have it, they want it and you were vulnerable enough they feel confident they can get it from you with little or no fuss. 

Second, predatory process actions are those that this author considers the most dangerous of all, the process could be raping your girlfriend while you are helpless, observing and just kind of waiting till he is done so he can torture and kill you and your girlfriend. It is a complicated and complex thing requiring a lot of research and study along with a specific type of training methodology to train for it. Even when you have all your ducks in a row, have a ton of experience in appropriate training methods, and feel confident and ready this type of thing is really going to be a huge surprise and shock. The goal is the ability to recognize it on some subconscious level and push yourself to ACT. 

All of this is merely an introduction to “danger Will Robinson” types of violence with aggressions. Not fun, and dangerous to the degree of grave harm and death. You really don’t want to entrust that life threatening stuff to inadequate training and practices do you? 

Also, consider this, imagine you have been involved in both types of violence and then use visual-imagery to see in your minds-eye the types of damage that happens and what ramifications those have on your both physically and especially psychologically. And believe me, that is just a small part of the whole that is violent criminal activity. It ain’t a picnic folks!

Oh, a little side note to take in, you can bounce in and out of the proverbial square that holds the self-defense criteria taking you in and out of self-defense thus leaving you liable to the legal system for breaking the law without that reasonableness necessary to achieve self-defense defense with the legal systems final approval. Then think of it, the legal system is two-faced, I.e., criminal and civil where even if you achieve legal criminal success those others associated with the guy who attacked you can sue you, successfully, in civil court - take heed. 

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