First, to defend and protect against the social justice warrior you have to know a few things about them. Here is a short, terse, list of what you will often experience when encountering the SJW (Caveat: It is too be noted here that what follows is academic research, folks can assume that the researchers tested this out but it won’t hurt to do more fact checking, I.e., compare a spread of data and if it matches up as to understanding, etc., then it would be worth adding into the syllabus):
✓ The Leftist Shout at people is to make them submit to them. The whole goal of an Left’ bully tactics is to make people submit to doing things on their terms.
✓ The Leftist generalizes about certain people and certain subjects using emotional rhetoric.
✓ The Leftist use illogical arguments to get what they want.
✓ The Leftist will use anything you say and will use it against you.
✓Understand NOTHING coming out of an The Leftist mouth is the truth.
✓Everything they, the Leftist, say has been twisted and distorted.
✓ The Leftist will shout, use shaming language and use threats to justify their protests and until they get what they want, regardless.
✓ The Leftist are notorious LIARS.
✓ The Leftist are emotional and will not listen.
✓ The Leftist have a Manichean outlook on the world—everything is either good or evil.
✓ The Leftist view of the world is “horribly patronizing, two-dimensional and depressing.”
✓ The Leftist claim to be nonjudgmental, yet they constantly judge people based on race, sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
✓Social Justice Warriors Cannot Be Instructed (simply cannot be instructed with knowledge.).
✓ The Leftist use figures of speech or emotional ploys but lack meaningful content.
✓ No matter how many facts you present to The Leftist, they’re not going to change their position.
✓ The Leftist won’t/can’t change their minds when presenting them with information, facts, they are caught in an emotional roller coaster.
✓ The Leftist will accuse you of being mad or upset—that’s their way of claiming to win the argument.
✓“The Leftist communicates in competitive emotion.”
There is possibly a lot more than this but the whole idea here is to get folks thinking, thinking leads to research and research leads to knowledge and understanding. This is how you begin to learn how to defend and protect against the SJW.
Now, there are some “hints” on dealing with SJW’s. There is a huge amount of data out there on this subject so do your diligent duty, find the facts and then do a fact check. That can be comparing several or more sources to see how many are repeated across the board, so to speak. Look to those as possible defense tactics and strategies.
Here are a few quoted tactics I found in research:
✓When dealing with an SJW remain calm. If you’re calm, you can listen to their illogical arguments and start applying a logical approach to dealing with shutting them down. Better yet, walk away calmly and resolutely.
✓ A Socratic approach is best when confronted by the SJW.
✓Inquire about what their core values are. It will most likely be about love, respect, fairness and tolerance. When they spout that out, ask them to examine their own behavior, and how they would explain how that reflects to those values.
✓ Ask how their generalizations about people often based on their high privilege fits in with fairness.
✓ Ask how their calling people who question them as “stupid” is supposed to persuade or educate.
✓ After you experience, listen, to their social-justice demands, etc., as them calmly, “Is there something you want me to say?” When they respond emotionally and aggressively, thank them for their opinion and walk away.
✓Depending on circumstances you may want to use, “inversion” on them, i.e., when the SJW says, “every man is a rapist” respond with, “every woman is a slut.” Be careful here, this has a high potential to backfire against you.
✓Remain Silent when an SJW goes into their Rhetoric. With an SJW anything you say can and will be used against you.
✓Understand it takes two people to argue and one to walk away. Walking away from an SJW allows you to keep your personal power. No matter how much shaming language they use when you walk away understand that you are in control of you, and the only way they have power in the situation is if you continue to listen to them.
✓Establish a hard boundary with them from day one and let them know that you will not deal with them no matter how loud they shout or how long they protest.
✓Never argue or try to negotiate with an SJW.
✓Remember, emotional vampires can only be killed by exposure to the sunlight (or a stake in the hear but that would be couter-productive).
✓ The best way to shut down an SJW is by taking action. When they start getting emotional and looking to argue, walk away.
Remember, this is just my idea’s and research and needs proper vetting for accuracy, effectiveness and survivability because taking on the SJW, if forced to, is a huge gamble just like using your karate and martial skills to combat an attacker whether for resources or for process reasons. My putting this into the book is because the SJW or their like partners, the left thinkers I think, are becoming more common and dominating within our social construct so to combat them and keep the peace everyone must consider who they are, what their goals are and how to counter their objectives, the monkey dance immature emotional one, toward a more logical, fair, legal and socially accepted answer to what ever the problem may be. Their are solutions and only when all parties involved are well informed with facts, research and answers can we reach a quorum and provide a solid acceptable methodology to get-r-done.
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