Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Chapter 30: Leftist Justice in Defense-Protection

Caveat: Although quoted in this piece, the referenced person(s) have nothing to do with the content herein and regardless is my effort and mine alone. 

In a recent posting by a professional I have a great deal of respect for, one of several at that status-level in my mind, it occurred to me that in any form or model of defense-protection training program it should be covered how one would defend against the, “Leftist.” 

The quote Mr. MacYoung, written here out of its context, really rang my chime because like many things in the self-defense realm if you don't have the coping skills you go down hard. Just like being attacked physically by a predator these social justice warriors use tactics and strategies that will cause far more reaching harm than merely getting your heat busted. 

I quote, "I can't take you alone so I'll win by weaponizing the system to beat you down" strategy. In addition I quote as well, "Here's the issue, most people are conditioned to work within the system and don't really invest any time and effort to understanding how to protect themselves when it's turned against them. They are caught flat footed, when that happens."

As the news media today readily demonstrates, once you are accused unjustly often the repercussions are rolling along like a huge boulder down a steep grade with you facing it, you end up socially ostracized and even your financial stability undermined because your job may see this on social media and want to distance themselves from you so ... you end up unemployed and a pariah where no one else will hire you let alone the dangers of civil suits. 

These social justice warriors have taken the time and energy learning how to turn the social machine against you and it ain't about revenge, it isn't about inflicting pain or to self-sooth and it don't matter how it turns out in the end because the damage is already done long before investigations, etc., prove innocence - you have been tried, convicted and hung out to dry and no matter what you do that little things is just going to hang out there and ruin you. It is about how much misery they can inflict on you likened to the guy who you put down physically but you had to just get the next few licks in to, "teach them a lesson!"

Like many of the more insidious attacks, it is about that person’s power and control to unleash the hounds of hell on you, yours and those close to you in family and proximity. Mr. MacYoung says in that article how this is more a resource predation processes, a very dangerous one both psychological and reality-based. 

I quote Mr. MacYoung out of context of his article again, "It is also safe for the predator because -- due to other policies and laws -- he/she will not suffer negative consequences for bringing false charges." He then says that there are ways to defend-protect against this kind of process predation. 

This is the challenge presented to those who teach defense-protection against the legal machine in self-defense terms. I don't have the answer yet and it is something every teacher, instructor, and mentor must find and address because this kind of attack is more likely for most than an attacker dropping you in a bar or one dropping you in a street resource project. 

Don't forget this one and in my humble limited experience this one falls heavily into the field of proper defense articulation/communications, i.e., to deescalate it or escape and evade it. Don't just assume you know and make shit up, do the legwork and research the heck out of this particular subject. 

There are some universal things you can start with:

    Know all you can about social justice and their warriors.
    Develop a strategic plan with appropriate tactics to combat it if faced with social justice attacks.
    Be and remain polite at all times. 
    Do not argue regardless when it is apparent the discussion is a lecture not communications.
    Be and remain polite at all times.
    Unless it is critical to your survival, avoid gatherings like those pictured in the news such as talks at certain venues with certain subjects that are already in the news as inflammatory, etc.
    When the conversation changes, apologize to the speaker that you have another meet and have to leave but will read about their views in the next day's news. Or, better yet, if the subject involves a crowd in public, avoid it altogether, you can argue your perspective in a better format later. 

Now, these are just ideas and also need vetting to ensure they are appropriate because like all communications there are so many variables it ain't funny. Your ability to communicate without triggering their anger, resentment and social justice is like deescalating a potentially physical violent aggressive person who has one goal, to hurt you. 

Just remember, no matter how evolved we think we are, such violence and aggression are still a big part of our species and these social justice warriors will not hesitate to take the "fight" to you, your family and your neighbors, etc. 

 An example in closing, "Since the Left began spreading the lie that a white police officer in Ferguson, Mo., shot a black youth because he, like most police officers, was a racist, police officers in many cities have feared taking proactive measures to prevent violent crime in black neighborhoods. They fear the left-wing mob known as the news media will ruin their reputation and end their career."

Another example, “In the recent case of a Philadelphia Starbucks manager who asked two black men to purchase something before giving them the code to the restroom, Starbucks immediately appeased the left-wing mob. The company didn’t wait until any facts came out; it simply abandoned the manager and announced it would close every U.S. store one day in May to educate all Starbucks employees about ‘unconscious bias.’”

As the old police show sergeant said, "Be careful out there!"

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