Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Chapter 27: PLAY-MODE; Hack the Code; RAM -n- ROM

I am thinking of the Matrix because there is this theory that we may be the result of some higher being computer simulation and that means we are living and surviving according to some program in some galactic level computer or “Cloud” system somewhere way out in the “black.” Well, I do believe that we are all living in a matrix but it is a matrix of our own making - somewhat or mostly. 

We have RAM or random access memory that is changeable then we have ROM or that “read only memory” that nature provided. Our ROM is very small, simple and unchangeable, i.e., we breathe, we survive using flight-n-fright response and we have other more automatic functions that we cannot change or control - ROM. Look at it as a boot system that runs the bare minimum of programming and programs to allow us to be born and survive leaving RAM available to take in code that will be stored in another part of our brains as hard drives. This part, we have some control over and know this, changing the code takes skill, creativity and persistence because the design is such that once something is coded in it takes a coder a lot of work to make the change especially to connect with all its resulting “mini-programs or ???.” 

In defense-protection martial arts we need to learn how our computers are configured and what code already resides in both RAM and on the virtual memory of the hard drives. Once we lean how to make those changes and then to code them into the hard drives virtual memory, i.e., conditioned memories (procedural language if you will), etc., then we can begin to learn and apply those “mini-program functions or scripts or methods or sub-routine/program to our internal programs and functions so that we may use triggers, external/internal stimulus, to cause said functions to run in real-time. 

Real-time is reality and all it brings to the program and our matrix is pretty good at that if properly programmed into virtual conditioned memory. Back to the impetus of this article, we are all separate modules programmed much like the concept of the matrix. We have some control once we understand what we don’t know and what we don’t know we don’t know and that is a plus as it allows us greater latitude in our self-coding. What our virtual hard drives have already is not just the code we create and encode but rather code from external sources, coders, like our parents, our experiences, our perceptions along with the developed beliefs and cultural influences - all from external programmers mostly out of our control. How we overcome that is through a lot of luck and some of the hardware nature provided that allows us to recognize and create. 

At some time, after a lot of programming goes in, we come to realize we can affect our programming. We can shift the code toward something more to our liking and suitable to our goals and objectives. That is a good thing as long as we remember that as fledgling coders we have to beware of succumbing to other programmers likely to try and code their preferential perceptions, beliefs and understandings into a code that makes you their code, hack your code and set in routines, like scanners of viruses, etc., to catch and stop that kind of coding. 

Take control, hack your code and make the shifts in routines so you can become more creative in your own coding, more personal and more appropriate to your very nature as a species. Take back control of the monitor that displays your life and code to a state of hard-coded enlightenment. You may be asking now, what has this to do with defense-protection and martial arts?

Almost all of what we are trying to train, practice and apply to our efforts is like coding, we have some control over some things while little or no control over others so assuming a mind-state and giving it something fun and symbolic to use as a tool of learning and understanding puts the effort into “play mode.” Like playing a very cool game on your gaming/playing console, the fun part of your brain/mind and then learning in an operant way how to play the code to benefit your effort in defense-n-protection. 

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