Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Chapter 95: Visual Imagery for Self-Protection

Imagine now that you are sitting in the dojo in the proper position relaxing and clearing your mind while breathing deeply down into the diaphragm: 

                      Upon reaching Mokuso, a state of self-hypnosis, picture a defense-protection scenario; picture it with the idea of making the image appear in great detail.
                      Picture the scenario in progress; picture it with you applying appropriate force levels and the right methodologies to reach success. 
                      Picture the attacker succumbing to your actions be they avoidance oriented, escaping and evading and even de-escalation.
                      Picture the strategies and tactics necessary to stop damage and to achieve restraint or damage to stop the attacker quickly, cleanly and efficiently.
                      Picture the first responders entering the situation; your articulation and actions to those responders in the most positive light toward your benefit, etc.

Note: to reach and achieve true state of meditation it is imperative the practitioners understand the core fundamental processes. The true fundamental processes are those processes used by hypnotist to achieve a state of deep hypnotic awareness. Although the lay person will equate sleep with that sleep we get each night or at nap time, this state of sleep is actually a heightened state of awareness that connects with the Sunni-state (?) or the subconscious primal deep mind where we encode the primal conditions necessary to certain actions when triggered by words/actions or stimuli, etc.

The "Kyu" or novice levels where Mokuso is to be conditioned will require more time, ergo sitting Mokuso will take at least thirty minutes or until such time as the deep state of hypnosis is triggered so it is reached almost instantly. At this heightened state, Mokuso can be completed in as few as five minutes.

Mokuso requires daily practice both in and out of the dojo to maintain. It cannot be achieved and mastered part time, I.e., three nights a week like taking a normal exercise class, etc.

To achieve this state of awareness, in such a primal state, is critical to advancing in training and practice to pass between the Kyu level/state to a Dan level/state.

Most dojo give Mokuso lip service when it is just this thing Asian Sensei requires before and after dojo training. Few, if any Sensei today, commit the time, effort and training to teaching the inner workings of Mokuso. 

To transition from novice to expert and someday to mastery requires the proper Mokuso as taught, practiced and mastered as described.

To trigger the state: by the action of assuming a seiza sitting position; placing the palms on your thighs; back spine neck head positioned; eyes close to a meditative position lids, etc then beginning the deep proper diaphragmatic breathing process until the state is fully and deeply and positively achieved.

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