Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Chapter 77: Avoidance, Escape and Evasion

Triad of pre-physical self-protection. We could add in de-escalation but that often comes about once we enter into the potentiality of the physical aspect of protection and defense. Our ultimate goal is to develop a high degree of knowledge and understanding of aggression and violence because if people cannot recognize it, don't accept that it is a part of being human and then learn how they can act to avoid it then we have missed that objective in self-protection and defense. 

In short, creating awareness so that when we walk past our front gate and enter society we will recognize and accept the possibilities when a threat presence triggers our conditioned spidey sense. We immediately scan the area, come to some conclusion as to what may or might be a threat and then, during that scan, detect the best escape path possible. 

It would even better serve us if we could be aware as we walk around in our environment to discover, recognize and accept the perimeter of a possible danger-zone, environment, so we can simply walk, run or ride another way. 

People want the cool stuff and they want it quickly. That is not a bad thing if it involves a club-like sport or philosophical practice of a martial discipline but the moment people add in the "self-defense" aspects then things change, drastically. People in such programs don't know what to ask about and whether there is a way to handle aggressions and violence without resorting to their own aggressive and possibly violent actions. 

Yes, there are, we are human after all, times and incidents and circumstances where we will find ourselves embroiled in some aggressive situations that often lead to violence but even then there are ways to avoid through escaping and evading those vignettes of potential violence. In lieu of charging head-on, what many disciplines advocate and teach, we can circumvent, circle, around those vignettes of potential aggression and violence to find safe escape avenues. 

Avoidance: To avoid is to, "the action of keeping away from or not doing something." To avoid is to, "to take appropriate actions to nullify, or render void, any potentiality of encountering aggressive and violent situations and people." 

Escape: Is to break free from the confinement of our egoistic minds and to take control of our actions and emotions, emotional maturity, to escape the environment/situation. 

Evasion: To take such actions as to evade, miss encountering and experiencing, something that has the potential of aggression and violence. To avoid and escape by taking actions, often paths, that take one to safety and security.

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