Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Chapter 65: A Good Foundation

It was once quoted, “It all starts with a good foundation,” while a young white belt stands in a stance. It is the first step in many to find out what exactly is a foundation in karate and martial arts as to combative’s, fighting, and self-defense. You DO have to have a solid foundation in order to learn, study, and understand a martial art and karate system.

The foundation is made up of many things far and removed from just learning how to assume a proper rooted kamae. A good foundation comes from a many faceted endeavor that will make up a personal system that allows us to learn, change, adjust and believe not just in the system but in ourselves as well. 

A good foundation starts long before learning how to make a fist; learning how to assume rooted stances; learning how to perform upper and lower basics techniques; learning how to form and study kata; learning how to learn from two person drills in basics, kata and kumite. You have to have all the right, correct and relevant materials to achieve a, “Good Foundation.” 

Foundational Materials:

    A moral compass.
   Social coping skills - basic.
   Emotional Intelligence.
   Visual Intelligence. 
   Logical Intelligence.
   Common sense.
   Rational Intelligence.
   People Skills.
   Balance in mind, body and spirit.
   Character and Personality, not mutually exclusive but mutually supportive, etc.
   Social Intelligence. 
   Positive Attitude.
    etc., etc., etc.!

Another aspect of attaining a good foundation is the ability to seek out knowledge and understanding and then use analysis and synthesis both as an individual and then in connection with others in a social professional sense. This could continue on until a large book is filled only to leave many important materials to build a good foundation but the idea here is to instill and trigger your curiosity so you seek it out in detail. All part of the journey. 

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