Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Chapter 63: Branches of Martial Disciplines

I think of this as,"Sport, Combative's, Philosophical, and Self-Defense."

Sport is the dominant branch that is both obvious and obfuscated to those who practice this branch. Many who practice the other three often are practicing the sport but through forms of dissonance assume and believe they are practicing one or more of the others.

It is important to make these distinctions because the do not translate effectively to one branch of another.

Sport is about competition, accolades, trophies and such.

Combative's in my mind are those hand-to-hand abilities those in the military, in combat, resort to as a last ditch effort of survival when all other means of combat are exhausted like being overrun and all ammo is expended, retreat is impossible and one must use those skills to survive or die.

Philosophical is, "The Way" of martial arts where it is about self-improvement using things like, "Buddhism (Zen), Tao Te Ching,”etc. through the body as a vehicle to train the mind for life. It is to be noted that this aspect of martial disciplines is a necessary component of all branches of this discipline but in this instance it dominates.

Then there is self-defense where two components dominant, if needed will involve society, the law, the legal system, grave bodily harm, and death! 

I perceive SD as unique because of social needs, requirements and cultural beliefs. In short, there are a great many rules involved way beyond mere kata, kumite, competition, and the technique-based physical teachings.

It's immenseness, complexities and dangers under civil laws and legalities often based on social influences make it the more critically important aspects of teachings, training, practice and "APPLICATIONS"one can experience.

Mistakes are the costlier with its obstacles of requirements and often most are missed or missing in the SD industry.

There is one perception that can transcend all branches, "The Principled-based Multiple-Method Martial Discipline,"to which applies to all branches with out those branch distinctions. To take the focus off of the symbolic branches and direct focus onto such universal principle based methodologies you will discover participation in any branch is possible simply because you focus on applying principles manifested as multiple methodologies over specific inflexible technique-based applications taught specific to the branch studied.

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