Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Chapter 41: All Bottles Are “Truly” Good

They are all good provided they all utilize all principles to achieve each bottles goal. Look at systems and/or styles as the different bottles as can be seen represented or symbolized in the graphic created and shown herein. Systems and styles are simply unique human signatures toward a unique perspective and perception of application of principles toward a goal of defense, i.e., fighting, combative’s and self-defense, etc.

In truth there are not real systems or styles that create separate applications but simply principles applied in a completely and human unique way, a way that allows distinctions to make each creator seem unique and special. A complete and total human distinction unrelated toward the physics of human bodies in application of power and force to achieve a fighting, combative and defense goal of conflict and violence. 

Every single one of the so-called systems or styles is a slight variation of human application of principles that has only one requirement in that the principles cannot be compromised in application or it lessons the system or style in its applied efficiency in power and force to attain one’s goals. The actual principle of physiokinetic’s that drive such unique signatures is, “Breathing, posture, triangle guard, centerline, primary gate, spinal alignment, axis, minor axis, structure, heaviness, relaxation, wave energy, convergence, centeredness, triangulation point, the dynamic sphere, body-mind, void, centripetal force, centrifugal force, sequential locking and sequential relaxation, peripheral vision, tactile sensitivity, rooting, attack hubs, attack posture, possibly the chemical cocktail, Multiple Methodologies [actual tactics and attack methodologies of impacts, drives (pushes), pulls, twists, takedowns/throws and compression, etc.”

To further express how all bottles are good you remove the distinction of each bottle representing a different system or style and you represent it as six unique bottles to represent the principles of, “Theory” and “Physiokinetic’s” and “Technique” and “Philosophy” and “Self-defense” and finally “Chemical Cocktail.” Each of these bottles transcends any and all human perceptions and distinctions that make for systems and styles over principle based combative systems and the best part of principle based distinctions is it covers a complete system rather than just a focus on techniques based training with just enough physiokinetic’s to make it look good in the performance of the competitive dance of kata competition, etc.

All bottles are good transcends the original distinction of the obvious and book cover representation of systems or styles such as, “Goju-ryu, Uechi-ryu or Isshin-ryu, etc.” This is not meant to degrade or denigrate or dismiss such distinctions but to stretch the mind to consider the deepest meaning and the very essence of such practices and disciplines, going past symbolic representations of descriptive ego based naming conventions. 

All those systems and styles have great value in distinguishing the effort and achievements of the men who created them into long standing models to be shared in a unique tribe like group dynamic driven way. The very fact that such men of distinction could create is awesome but to allow that to overshadow the core of such disciplines, the principle based discipline, toward an ego boosting way would not be true to the men who created them and to those who would practice and pass down to others those systems and styles.

Passing it down becomes critically important to the system or style history and meaning because to remove such foundational supportive aspects of those same systems tends to degrade the system or style over time as passed form hand to hand. To truly pass down the complete and holistic system or style of a founder is to embrace it from the very seed of its birth to the full spread of its entire roots, base, branches down to each and every leaf on the tree we would name and label as, “Isshinryu, Gojuryu and Uechiryu and so on ad infinitum.” 

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