Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Chapter 4: Self-Assessment

Let us begin! Ask yourself the most serious question possible to those who take up the “sword (symbolically in karate),” 

1. Why do I want to take Karate or any Martial Art?
2.What is my goal?
3.What are my objectives as I travel the path toward karate defense-protection?
4.What results have I found from performing a self-defense analysis/threat assessment (personal, home, neighborhood and overall environmental)?
5.What inspired you toward martial arts?
6.What do I know about the martial arts and karate now?
7.What don’t I know about the martial arts and karate?
8.Have I visited as many of the local, and not so local, dojo in my area to see them first hand before making choices?

Future practitioners of the martial disciplines really do need to determine what they are aiming for in the study and practice of karate because mixing the intentions of each form of practice and training tend to convolute the actual end results causing the mind confusion where in some instances that confusion results in the freeze and freezing at certain moments can be the cause of and result in grave harm. 

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