Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Chapter 34: Techniques (if you will) vs. Enhancers

The reason I am placing this into the main section rather than assuming enhancers are a sub-principle of physiokinetic's is because I don't feel enhancers meet the criteria of principles. I also want to clarify what I mean when I say, "techniques." 

First, techniques in this article are those sub-principles to the principle of technique(s) not to be confused with a technique-based teaching methodology. In technique-based methods it is about a specified technique, like a rising strike, application that has a specific, like a side block or downward block, to perform as both attack and counter-attack. This technique-based model is a great learning model but as to defense-protection puts too many narrow and restrictions on its final use, i.e., using specific things vs. creative methodologies not tied to a specific technique, etc. I have sections on the principle of technique to get a better picture and understanding people can look too for clarification. Folks of experience can already see this and translate it to their practice and training. 

Second, enhancers are those actions that supplement and build on other physiokinetic’s moves and methods to "enhance" the resulting power and force applied to an attack or attacker. It is not tied to a specific technique but manifests in a situational unique creative applied methodology to get the job done. 

If you encounter an aggressive and posturing individual only to decide to try de-escalation communications you don't want to rely on one specific technique like saying, "Back off asshole," then when it fails fall back on the same technique over and over until it works (it won't). That is a technique-based counter. Bad ju-ju mate, bad ju-ju!

Yet, when people encounter such badness they can rely on an appropriate method to deescalate that is not tied to a specific but based on an accumulation of physical and psychological tells or triggers to create an appropriate response that with sooth, satisfy and result in a face-saving out for the person that you both end up walking away satisfied in how you both did well and survived. 

There is a difference, so as to enhancers, that is the implementation of physiokinetic's that take the finite energy, power and force provided by one's mass, weight, and movements such as the drop step of boxing that makes for a killer punch. Enhancers are those movements of the body that by themselves don't apply much power and force but when coupled with the body movement and weight or mass of said body enhance that finite power and force generation to apply greater power and force. 

Enhancers are structure integrity, shoulder spine arm, joint and hand struture, alignment and stability, etc. as example not to mention how well we remain stable, aligned and other such things, all enhancers that contribute to the applied force and power. \

Psychological enhancers are those understood and trained influence principles that are used in conjunction with other understanding such as social and cultural influences to achieve communications that convince your attacker to not attack and to save face so they willingly walk away without damage to either of you. Like a solid understanding of influence principles and how to apply them to your communications skills in de-escalation, i.e., look at one source called the gentle art of verbal defense for instance. 

Enhancers are necessary to achieve certain goals and objectives of defense-protection starting at how you avoid mishaps and volatile situations through to de-escalation, avoidance, escape and evasion up to that moment when you need to apply physical skills. Not ending here they also help you with the before, during and aftermath of defense in legal self-defense. 

Make sure your fellow martial artists regardless of level or grade understand that enhancers alone will often not get the job done in defense-protection and that they alone when applied in sport may be perceived as powerful and efficient but only in that venue while in defense-protection reality actually "May or May not (as in luck or unlucky)" actually get the job done. 

This is known to people as a critical part of the proverbial self-defense training and practice even in martial arts and karate self-defense programs. 

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