Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Chapter 22: Grave Harm/Death Self-Defense Insurance

There is at least one time in a person’s life they think or contemplate, “Death.” Death is that harbinger of the end where one, depending on beliefs, takes a final leap into the black. It is something to fear and much like death people do the things necessary to defeat death, or at least prolong life so death has to wait till the latest possible moment to take us away. 

1. Do you have life insurance? Why?
2. Do you have auto insurance? Why?
3. Do you have health insurance? Why?

The list goes on but people buy and maintain insurance for a variety reasons of which the top one’s are, maintain health, maintain a home, and maintain a working safe automobile as well as other things. What do all these insurances provide, “Peace of mind that if the worst happens you have the financial stability to continue on by the insurance payouts after a deductible. 

 Life is a dangerous one and with grave harm and death on the table things that happen in life will determine longevity and stability. Both are what we need on modern times to survive. Even human procreation is about insurance, through the procreation of our species we are insuring the continuance of our species. Assuming that some large piece of rock doesn’t come out of the black to obliterate our nice little blue ball that flies through the Universe. 

In a long ago comedy sit-com called, “Major Dad,” the main star was a Marine and while being interviewed by the character that would become his wife was asked, “Why?” To make the story short and because I can’t find the exact quote it is something like, “We train so we don’t have to fight.” It’s about being prepared and insuring that if things do go bad we are capable of handling things. 

In defense-protection training and practice, much like having health insurance, we are doing the very necessary things to prepare our minds and bodies to defend and protect should the need arise. 

Much like various insurance policies, much like Major Dad who trained also to be ready and much like the martial arts and karate defense programs it is about insuring that if, a big if in today’s modern world, we have the skills and abilities to handle aggression and violence. 

Let’s look at it this way, we are good drivers and we drive as best we can to NOT have an accident. Most people will not have an accident but there is a remote chance, less remote than being attacked and needed defense-protection, that we may get hit by a car, hit another car, hit a pedestrian or simply lose control and roll over the car resulting in the car being totaled and ending up gravely harmed in the hospital. I can bet you that at that moment people are very glad to have the insurance to cover all or most of the costs. 

Martial Arts and Karate training and practice are like insurance; the training and practice develop the mind and body of the practitioners so they create and enhance attitudes, demeanor and skills. Much like military training those skills and experiences change you and that is reflected in the demeanor you project, call it an aura that says to others looking to make you their victim - nope, not this one, lets move on. 

In general, criminal elements do their criminal activities as a way and means of life and support. It’s a job to them and they are experts at it, mostly. They are constantly scanning and testing others around them as possible sources of either a resource, such as money through robbery, and as a process, such as a target for rape. If they sense a certain attitude, certain awareness and that stand tall military presence of ability, confidence and proficiency they will simply keep looking for an easier target. Criminals want to find and create the greatest advantage possible before they go to work so assessing a target for ease of victimhood is the best way to get the job done with the least muss and fuss. 

We have health insurance just in case, we have auto insurance just in case and we have homeowners insurance just in case. To the best of my knowledge there is no self-defense insurance so you have to create that yourself. Taking up a realistic, viable and effective defense-protection program be in martial art or karate or other is creating an insurance policy that you may never, ever need. In most cases, never and ever are a pretty good bet BUT there is and always will be that remote chance that a mistake is made and you become a criminals target, aren’t you happy to have defense-insurance of survival - survival of an attack and survival of the ramifications of after for self-defense defense? 

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