Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Chapter 2: Before

Google is our friend, well, it gives us information about things so to start this ball rolling we’ll give it some momentum by defining karate as, “an Asian system of unarmed combat using the hands and feet to deliver and block blows, widely practiced as a sport. It was formalized in Okinawa in the 17th century and popularized via Japan after about 1920. Karate is performed barefoot in loose padded clothing, with a colored belt indicating the level of skill, and involves mental as well as physical training.” This is according the the definition from Google, i.e., “define karate.” 

This definition, as people imagine, is not the full Monty of what is karate for karate is not an, “unarmed combat system,” but a defense-protective system utilizing our minds and bodies especially when other tools of defense-protection are unavailable. You may also understand that karate is a variety of things in these socially modern times and that karate comes from a history of an island in the Pacific that has dealt smartly with a variety of cultures in their import/export driven economy prior to, during and immediately after WWII. 

Karate was discovered by our militaries during and after the end of WWII. It began to be noticed by the Japanese prior to the war with the world and people in charge using a new term, “Bushido,” to add Okinawan karate to the educational system just to teach and inspire a war-like spirit in preparation for drafting the youth of Asia, especially Japan and its territories, for actual combat. Karate would become a means to create a social spirit along with health and fitness while not consisting of any true combative aspects to use in the theaters of war. Likened to our militaries short, terse, hand-to-hand training that often lasted a few hours so in the event a military person were to find themselves weaponless they had at least a modicum of training to survive. After all, as you can imagine and as our military histories through the world demonstrate no one, be they individual or military unit, would participate in combat without, “appropriate weaponry.” 

So, with this limited understanding people interested in karate, and martial disciplines, can now learn what karate is then and today. 

Then karate was simply a physical ability to fight, defend and protect oneself, family and village. It was a simple physical training, practice and application of a variety of methods and techniques using not just the fists but almost any part of the body to stop aggression and its resulting violence regardless of reason, intent or objective. In short, “it is how humans break humans for purpose of attaining something be it goal, process or resource.”

Now karate is more complicated and complex because of the influences of Japan, the War, the Education-ification of it and the influences of the occupation and after it has become, evolved, into many things, i.e., “sport, philosophy, protective-defensive tool and others” that appeal to all people, all cultures and all forms of disciplines that will be covered and discussed throughout this book. 

Why would people be interested in martial disciplines and karate? People must first see in their minds eye through self-analysis and self-assessment what they hope to achieve and receive from taking up the training and practice. People have to look under their own “hood” to see what drives them toward an interest and then accept that such disciplines are driven by social dynamics that are, in essence, about survival, nature’s basic instinct. But I digress; this will be covered in detail later in the elements that make up the world of karate and martial disciplines. 

Most people will go for the sport followed closely by the more self-help, self-confidence and philosophical way of martial discipline and karate. This is fine, it has a ton of benefits for everyone and as people say constantly, “It can be practiced by anyone, at any time and of any age!” Where the chaff needs to be shaken from the wheat is the crossover of sport, philosophy and defense-protection. One does not translate or crossover well to the other, i.e., sport/philosophy to defense-protection. Granted we all understand there are aspects of both that influence the other such as philosophy. 

Philosophy is one of those principles that spans all forms of martial arts and karate because their generic nature do not insinuate a defense and protection or sport aspect but remain neutral making them, “principles.” 

Defense-protection needs to have a positive and effective mind-state of spirit and philosophy to keep navigating in calm waters because the wrong attitude or mind-state can take folks in either direction, the bad or the good. To properly apply the appropriate skills with intent means one must have that mind-state that won’t give away the goose when things get dicey. 

So, as we wrap up this burrito to move on, “we are going to focus a lot on the defense-protection intentions and objectives of martial disciplines and karate. This is the area of expertise that has the most dangerous aspects and exposure often resulting it grave harm and even death of the adept. 

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