Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Chapter 163: Body Language

When people think of communications they more often than not look to verbalization, the spoken language. But, that is not our true means of communications because our bodies do more to convey true meaning than our words. 

Body language is best described, "the process of communicating nonverbally through conscious or unconscious gestures and movements." This in and of itself in modern times presents a huge obstacle due to the huge collective in modern society of disparate social cultures and cultural beliefs. Lets not even begin to way in on the huge variety of languages all in and of themselves present obstacles to surmount in communications. 

Our very life experiences as attained and modified every moment of our life experiences as affected by perceptions, memories (past and present usually create the present moment and are used to decide on the future) and social cultural beliefs. It creates a huge divide and chasm that if not safely crossed over usually drops one into the deep, dark and deadly black of a bottomless pit. 

It would take a lifetime to study, understand and then read body language of the different disparate social collectives that make up modern society yet that is exactly what is needed, on one level or another, to live peacefully and harmoniously with others outside family and tribe. 

When we walk out the front gate of our homes we expose ourselves to environments that can be violent and aggressive in nature so to self-protect using avoidance is primary since that takes an awareness of dangerous environments and/or situations but once we engage with an aggressive and potentially violent other we need awareness, understanding and appropriate communications skills to, "deescalate" so that one can escape and evade to safety and security without violence. 

Thinks about this, mull this over and then do an analysis of what you know, what you think you know and then find out what you don’t know you don’t know to create a self-protective model to safeguard yourself, your family and your tribe. Survival depends on it!

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