Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Chapter 16: Fundamental Principles, Multiple Methodologies and Levels of Force

There are, as will be fully explained in the arc’s, a universal set of fundamental principles to the martial arts that are the very foundation of said arts regardless of the practitioner’s intent in training, practice and applications. One can train, practice and apply the sport orientation, the philosophical self-improvement, etc., orientation or the defense-protection reality based orientation for those principles as a universal foundation literally apply to all things regardless of the tools used to apply them. 

Multiple methodologies are those methods not tied to any specific technique-based oriented defense models but are creative set methodologies that also apply universally along with the fundamental principles, actually sub-principles of the principle of technique(s) that are actually not techniques such as strikes, blocks or kicks, alone or in combinations. These are methodologies once conditioned into auto-responses triggered to bypass the logical thinking mind for speed in application remove such singular trappings of technique-based models that are most effective in applying defense-protection skills. 

Force levels are those appropriate to remain steadfast within the actual social, legal and moral boundaries necessary to keep it self-defense in lieu of going totally and morally into the realm of aggression, violence and criminal arena’s that would result in failure rather than success in defending and protecting self, family and clan or tribe. It is about knowing how much to properly apply and when to stop that force once the objective of escape, evasion and safety are available to the attacked. 

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