Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Chapter 153: Secondary Location

Your home is a ready-made second location and the reason some states have a "Castle Doctrine" concerning home defense. 

When I think of secondary location as to my home, I think of home invasions/robberies. Once you come ro understand the danger posed by moving or attacking someone at what is termed, secondary location, you realize just how dangerous it can be and that brings me to the question, "what are the chances of home invasion/robbery?" 

Marc MacYoung's No Nonsense Self-Defense site states:

The risk factors for home invasion robbery are:

1.Drugs (not use, someone in the house is selling or involved in distribution, trafficking or storage.)
2.Ethnic communities 
3.Small business owners (especially cash intense businesses)
5.Follow home

If these circumstances don't apply, well then your chances of a home invasion happening are pretty slim. Like slim to none and Slim left town.

Read Mr. MacYoung's article on Home Invasions here: https://www.nononsenseselfdefense.com/HomeInvasion.htm

When some criminal wants privacy to do what they want whether it is robbery or some other process such as torture or rape then like "a place of isolation and privacy, your home is it." Mr. M. also lets you know, among many other things, "home invasion is a common tactic with serial killers and serial rapists. Comparatively speaking these events are rare, but when they happen they have a disproportionate percentage."

Homes as secondary locations for nefarious deeds done by others onto you is considered a much higher level of danger than say, being robbed on the street. Being in a secondary location gives privacy, isolation, time and the attention they desire to place on you, his victim. They can operate, on you, without being interrupted and they have a lot of escape options when they are done with you. 

Once a predator gains access in a secondary location they know that now there is nothing to stop them from doing whatever he wants. The normal crime restrictions they deal with in a primary, semi-public, locations are not gone. He now has isolation, unlimited time and no one, I mean no one, is coming to your rescue. Since you are his only witness who can identify him and that means kidnapping, armed robbery or aggravated assault or both are going to be charges made ask yourself, "Is there any good reason he will let you live?"

Add in this little extra, often such invasions involve more than one person so now you have force levels of multiple attackers who have you in that secondary location. Home defense and security just became a bit more important but remember the risk factors. 

There is a good deal more on this subject but my objective is to get you thinking of the secondary location aspect not just as your home but if a criminal tries to get you to leave the semi-public location that means they have objectives that need a "secondary location" to achieve success to a level they believe they will get away with it all. 

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