Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Chapter 135: Why do we use the term, "Combative?"

When you look at the term, define it, you get, "ready or eager to fight; pugnacious.”The synonyms used to further describe combative are, "aggressive; antagonistic; quarrelsome; argumentative; hostile; belligerent and militant."When you look up the term, "pugnacious,"you get: "eager or quick to argue, quarrel, or fight." 

Now, consider all these descriptive words and what do you think comes to mind to most people? What do you think the jury pool is that the legal system uses when you stand in the box facing charges of self-defense? What do you think the prosecutor is going to use as to persuasion, influence and manipulation/misdirection to convince those already "primed" jurists to convict you even if you really did use proper and acceptable legal defense of self-defense? 

Every single one of those words, terms, is descriptive of the very thing society and the legal system call,"fighting,""unacceptable behavior,"and "aggressive violent people"that they love to convict and throw into the jail then losing the key, yeah, you the combative person.

When I hear descriptions of how one acted they say things like he was "aggressive,"he was "antagonistic and belligerent,"he "incited and escalated things with is quarrelsome and argumentative attitudes."I think smart people can see how that would play if the professional MMA sport person applied the very same skills out on our streets regardless of their status, the type of violence involved be it social or asocial in nature then how they appeared on all the video's bystanders recorded while the mutual aggressive fight went on, don't you think?

It comes down to how we train not just our bodies but how our minds are conditioned as well because what we say often leads to what we do and that leads to illegal stuff. It is, "Adrenal Stressed Based Communications Skills"that should be a part of karate and martial arts self-protection teachings so that we condition our attitudes and minds to use the same verbiage when the video's are running, the first responders begin the interviews and when, if you are unlucky, the prosecutors begins drilling you to win his case. 

In most cases, since the model taught most often is not really about self-protection but rather sport or self-help this doesn’t matter. I understand using the terms, they are influence principled to manipulate folks into thinking and, especially, feeling that connection to our human animal nature. The one that the military and other professionals of violence use to train Marines, Soldiers, Sailors and Airman to readily fight other humans, others. 

It goes to one’s intent in their training and practice for to train in such a inappropriate way will encode into conditioned memory all of it that WILL come out when under true aggressive adrenal stress-conditions of being attacked. It is the very stresses that cause nature’s “fight-n-flight” response but now with conditioned training and practices that will take over either reaching a successful conclusion or finding your life turned upside down and in prison. 

Something to think about!

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