Philosophy is not just a philosophy but also considered a fundamental principle of the martial disciplines. In the study of martial disciplines it takes on a more specific meaning as a study of the fundamental nature of the knowledge, understanding, reality, and application of the discipline toward a physical and mental balance that achieves self-improvement and self-protective and sport-applicable meaning to the martial artists and karate-ka. It is a “particular system” where the philosophical thoughts and mind-set/states influence both the individual and the social construct. It is a theoretical study of a mind-state of a particular branch of both knowledge and experience.
In a system of belief the influence principles suggest to the practitioner a certain mind-set and mind-state that can be either positive or negative. Since the martial arts, especially toward a defensive-protective model involving both psychological and physical end results that can and do have grave reifications to the practitioner applying the strategies, tactics and skills of a martial discipline. It is therefore critical that when seeking out a mentor, teacher and instructor for defense-protective martial prowess that the attitude, demeanor and experiences of the sensei be researched, documented and used to determine their expertise. Example, does this sensei meet the standards you set for a teacher? Does the sensei have a similar attitude as you? Does the sensei teach the before, during and after of defense-protection?
In the philosophical side that is critical to this study people must seek out and study all manner of philosophies both military-like and socially constructed like teachings for they cross pollinate and contribute to what one might term, “enlightened state of the way.” There are things like the ken-po goku-i, the Chinese classics like the I Ching and those socially driven mandates and legal requirements used to asses the application of methodologies for defense-protection in a self-defense way.
The philosophy you develop will be your own, no one else’s and that is the way it should be. Others philosophies, including those conveyed by meme’s, aphorisms, and quotations, are not meant to be your philosophies but rather the tools to discover and build your own philosophies of both martial and life. It is a good thing to look to others in a mentoring way but dangerous to assume that others philosophies are a set dogma that one memorizes and lives by such as that one set of tenants that many marital artists assign, the Bushido Code.
This authors philosophy is in a constant state of flux and will in all likelihood change even after typing this sentence and yet, to date, it has led me to create a code by which I try to live by to be both a person of merit and a professional martial artists and karate-ka, the code is:
The Code:
Code One: Never strike first. Assume courtesy and respect with appropriate kindness in all your personal encounters. No actions taken are with out consequences for others. Anticipate what those consequences will be and act accordingly. How we choose to respond dictates the outcome.
Code Two: Develop proper attitude in you daily life. Look inside yourself for ways to cope successfully with life's difficulties with out ignoring the outside world. Remain positive in every thought and with every deed.
Code Three: Pay Attention! Whenever you encounter another you must "to attend to" or pay attention. Remain alert to the person, environment, and be diligent in attending to the appropriate changes necessary to create a positive outcome to the encounter. To pay attention is to demonstrate your expression to the other as a worthy person. Your acknowledgement of the person validates them and shows your desire to treat them as equals and establish them as worthwhile individuals.
Code Four: Keep vigilant in your encounters, actions, and/or deeds when with others to validate their existence, their importance in society, and their personal feelings.
Code Five: Always think the very best of others. Assume the best and act accordingly with out losing sight of positive awareness in case of a sudden change. Approach every encounter with others as if they are good, honest, and sensitive.
Code Six: Possibly one of the most important rules you can assume in life is to "Listen". Listening or lack thereof is the most common reason for conflict. Listen to the words and feelings; focus on the person communicating; let silence be your primary means of action; let go of your past experiences and be in the present moment; disregard all thoughts of the future and be in the present moment; concentrate on just listening before doing anything else; establish eye contact; let you body reflect the positive; let your voice, tone, and response be on the others comments, actions, body language, intent, and so on; don't rush to agree or disagree; simply show understanding.
Code Seven: Speak kindly and never speak ill of others. Be the person others speak of as the one who never uttered an unkind word. Let that be your legacy. Always keep in your mind that you are speaking/interacting with a living, breathing, vulnerable human beings; always remember the power of words. Remember:
▪ When we speak to anyone in a derogatory manner we hurt.
▪ It is a coward who resorts to the use of words or deeds to attack another.
▪ How we speak to others reflects on ourselves.
▪ If we are present when ill words are spoken we can leave, remain silent, say something positive, or openly communicate to the attacker as to what they are doing.
Code Eight : A fundamental rule of society; one that is relevant and important when ever one comes into contact with another; decent behavior is when we care enough not to make problems, ours or theirs, into either our or their problem. The way we treat others is always a reflection of our own self-worth. Respect is a corner stone of any one persons contact with another. Assume they deserve it and then give it whole heartily.
Code Nine: Care for others as if they were a guest in your home. Be hospitable to every one you meet or connect with even if only for the moment. Get to know others by listening and when you talk to them talk from the heart. Always be considerate of others, no excuses.
Code Ten: Refrain for taking action or speaking with out thinking twice. How you communicate can result in either a peaceful resolution or a combative one, which can turn quickly into a physical altercation. Self-restraint means we ignore the ego and stay in the current moment with complete respect and regard for the opinions of others regardless of our assessments. The goal is to have an amicable meeting of the minds when two connect in today's society. Civility or lack thereof is major causes of anger, fear, and conflict.
Code Eleven: Don't try to shift responsibility or blame to others. Take complete responsibility for all of your actions be they verbal or physical. Your attitude and how you express it can be either acceptable to all or not. When not, then you have conflict. Conflict does not benefit anyone.
Code Twelve: Develop the courage necessary to be brave. Bravery and courage does not mean jumping into any confrontation with the desire to win at all costs. It takes one who has courage to avoid conflicts, to find alternatives to doing battle. To create relationships that end in proper balance for all concerned is the epitome of bravery and courage. Anyone can take up arms and do battle yet only the very bravest; those with the most courage; are able to overcome the ego within and to achieve peace and tranquility within and in society.
Code Thirteen: Create good will among those who you come in contact by providing the type of influence that creates camaraderie; a societal connection of benefit for all. Be a benevolent guide to your fellow man; influence them to influence themselves; become someone who creates a desire in others to become a better person and a complete part of the society in which we all live.
Code Fourteen: Conduct yourself with the highest morality and personal values necessary to influence others to follow the path of civility; kindness to others. To provide others with good example of morals, proper conduct, and the type of courtesy that leaves a favorable impression is a great achievement.
Code Fifteen: To conduct one's life with ideals of both truth and honesty is the highest achievement of a bushi warrior or a solid citizen of society.
Code Sixteen: Loyalty to self, loyalty to the group, loyalty to society is a hallmark of a true citizen who contributes to the betterment of society. This is not blind but with a true heart in creating a bond among each of us that transcends the ego and creates a feeling of belonging and benefits all.
Code Seventeen: Make it your goal to achieve within yourself humility, respect, righteousness, trust, loyalty, will, endurance, perseverance, patience, and courage as your standards in living. At least make a commitment to "Try" every day for your entire life.
Code Eighteen: Make it a personal goal to look within yourself with truth and honesty with the outcome of acknowledgement as to your own foibles; to make it your life's measure to achieve dominance over such foibles; to never allow them to lead you astray from the noble path you have chosen; to never allow them to create disharmony among others; make this a most important trait of your personality and try to achieve the goals of the code daily, moment by moment. Make this your presence as a personal present to yourself.
Code Nineteen: Remember tolerance at all costs. Lack of tolerance is unfair to others and opens the door to discontent, anger, and conflict. Put yourself in another person’s position as if what you say or do effects you and act/adjust accordingly. To remember that everyone is a person; a human being; vulnerable; sensitive and no different than ourselves before you speak or act is important; do it.
Code Twenty: Keep your balance. Study, train, and practice to achieve balance or In-yo (Yin-yang). Create the one by achieving balance. The ability to achieve balance is a cornerstone of a serene life. Balance in mind and body. To achieve emotional balance leads to life's balance and allows us to follow the way through our code reflecting on others, on society, for all our benefit.
The goal of the code is not to dictate to others our own personal perspective of what is acceptable or not to an individual or society. It is a personal code for the individual thus is provided in as a generic form as possible to fit everyone. It is a simple guide that assists others in creating a personal life to live that is conducive to creating a society that is humble and serene.
Remember "Giri" or that which is hardest to bear. It is a personal obligation that no one can require of you but you yourself. If you don't feel it then you don't have it. No one will take you to task for not assuming the obligation. No one will come down on you. You must decide for yourself that this is the path you desire most and then stick to it under all circumstances, to the end of this life. Giri, assume it or not. Your choice, choose wisely.
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