Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Chapter 104: Blindly Following Dojo/Sensei

People in the martial art and karate industry and communities do tend to blindly follow their leadership, often to a point of dogmatic adherence to the very thing they teach. Imagine a system created fifty or more years ago, imagine the first students having such high regard for that Sensei they decide it would be a good tradition to adhere "exactly and without change" to the teachings of the "Master" of that style. Not a really bad thing, respect means a great deal as does tradition but only to a point. 

Where things go bad is when the dogmatism sticks so deep that the group stagnates as to the evolution of the system involved. Even in the most ancient practices there is room left for change leaving the essence of that system in a fundamental principled based form while the outer expression is change to reflect the evolution of that person, that dojo, that system and the society in which it is taught, practiced and applied.

Some become so restrictive that even the slightest variation, often as perceived by the one individual leading the pack, it is blasphemous leading to rants, raves, anger and a lot of flame wars today in social media, etc. 

People should honor their elders for if not for their experience and mentoring the group would not survive for that relationship is the very core of group survival. But to honor the elder to the point of stagnation and loss of the evolutionary process, not so much. Imagine trying to utilize the mind-state, mind-set, strategies and tactics of such martial system relevant for their time, in today's modern world. Most would end up in jail, gravely harmed or dead. 

Imagine a Sensei teaching you some pretty cool stuff labeled as self-defense. Now imagine that one-day when attacked by a predator that failed and you happen to survive. Imagine you found out that the sensei didn't have any experience in what is termed self-defense but used the same things he was taught under the assumption that it worked, what do you feel about it all now. This comes from never questioning what is taught until after it fails. This is too late. Ask questions, always ask questions and if the program isn't based on reality then find a way to get reality. 

This is not rocket science, question things and don't assume that because someone is "sensei" that what is taught is sacrosanct and the answer to what is really a complicated and complex question. Use what sensei teaches but fact check it yourself, one reason having many teachers and mentors works miracles in the self-protection studies using martial arts, karate or just about anything useful 

Collect together, talk, question, exchange and relate to those with the most experiences in what you need then synthesize a relative, realistic and productive system of self-protection because literally, "your life may depend on it!"

Do NOT blindly follow anyone or anything, make your own path to success, you will never regret it!

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