Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Chapter 102: If I Were Your Sensei

I present a lot of idea's, theories and principles that some take in and a lot ignore because, simply, I am not there, your, Sensei. I pose this question to everyone who reads my stuff, "If I were your Sensei, would you listen?"

People can imagine things; imagine that what I present is something your Sensei would present. Imagine that what I have to say may have actual meaning and is simply a passing down information that may benefit you in your efforts to master your art of martial prowess. Imagine that, much like what Sensei would pass along as one experienced who came before you, what is passed is not, “written in stone, for the future is unwritten still” until you vet it out, work with it and then make it your own.

I am positive that people who practice the martial arts, and karate, all have heard from Sensei that as practitioners on the path to enlightenment and mastery, “must make it our own” in order to achieve the level of expertise that makes us professionals, enlightened and proficient - all hallmarks people realize that make us the best of the best, gives us the eye of the tiger and humbles us at the massiveness of what we endeavor to study, learn and understand. 

Imagine that everything read, viewed and observed first hand through practice and experience is something that is of benefit in one form or another and comes from Sensei, regardless of the sources. As people can imagine this opens the mind to more possibilities that may have passed us by but now becomes a part of our efforts to grow, mature and prosper as martial artists and karate-ka. 

If your Sensei were writing this is it something worth considering? You betcha! “In order to understand things, the myriad of things in the Universe, you must assume that it is true and try to imagine what it could be true of.” 

“What matters is things are the way they are right now, in this moment. We are all in a position where, if we move carefully, if we think through and plan accordingly, we can make it better. No regrets. No wishing we can undo the past. We just look to the now for the future and work our butts off toward that goal.” - Unknown

" ... sooner or later you're going to realize, just as I did, that there's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path." - Morpheus

"Its not the system directly that is important in karate, but the person using the system that makes it (in)effective."- Mario McKenna Sensei

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